Who We Are…
The women who make up the committee for Spiritually Inspiring Sisters are simply that: a group of women, sisters in Christ, who are intensely interested in encouraging and inspiring one another to serve Jesus better every day. Spiritually Inspiring Sisters is not supported or funded by any other group, religious or otherwise, and exists for the sole purpose of bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to women everywhere in an encouraging, inspiring, and edifying way.
How It All Got Started…
Each year, a group of women in north Texas put together the Women of Worthiness conference with the goal of teaching and encouraging women in their walk with Christ (please check out their website at www.womenofworthiness.com). In the spring of 2013, several women from around the Columbus, Texas, area traveled together to attend the conference; they were so encouraged and uplifted by their time together that they decided to begin another conference in the fall. The Spiritually Inspiring Sisters conference was started with the hope of giving spiritually-minded women another chance to meet together for encouragement.
Why Are We Doing This?
It is our prayer that our efforts in holding an annual conference and providing daily devotional material are a blessing to others. We have made, and will continue to make, every effort to keep God in the center of everything we do. In all things, may the glory be to God as we grow spiritually!